Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crazy Concierge Coolness

Brian Rooney, Home Based Business Coach When I joined World Ventures, it was because I have big plans to travel. That was really enough for me to make the decision to join. But while on a recent trip to Florida, I discovered yet another reason to get really excited about this company. I was in Florida with Sheri Lavo and we were having a wonderful time. Sunday was a special day as I finally was able to meet two of my brothers. I had only learned of their existence a few years ago and we had a great time meeting, getting to know each other, arguing about whether Shaquille O Neal was a great basketball player . I still believe I won that argument but the brothers well they re not so sure. Sheri and I spent Monday at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Yes, we laughed and screamed like a couple of kids on the roller coasters. Tuesday comes and we found ourselves debating the dinner possibilities. Sheri is definitely a foodie so wisdom dictates that I defer to her in such matters

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