Tuesday, July 28, 2009

AutoResponder Deliverability: Proof

Any AutoResponder service can claim a high deliverability rating (and some do) but proving it is usually a different matter, altogether. The unfortunate reality is that there appears to be a lot of misinformation about deliverability and many email marketers often find out too late that their chosen AutoResponder service isn't quite as good as they might have thought.

TrafficWave.net provides (and can verify) outstanding deliverability and "sender reputation" as demonstrated by Return Path , an independent company that also runs Spamcop.

Return Path rates all mail servers on the quality and overall reputation of the email they send based on a number of factors including deliverability, complaint rates, mail volume, etc...

The Terms of Service for Return Path prohibit us from publishing results directly from their network but you can take a look at our Score by clicking here.

(You will need to register for a free account which takes about 2 minutes.)

You can also review the score for other autoresponder services you may be reviewing to do your own comparison.

Things to look for are:
  1. Sender Score (Overall score given by Return Path for email senders).
  2. Accepted Rate (How much email is actually getting through).
  3. Complaints (A higher score means fewer complaints).
  4. Unknown Users (A higher score indicates responsible data management)
Take a look and we think you'll agree that TrafficWave.net has one of the better reputations in the industry.

Why is TrafficWave.net able to provide such outstanding reliability? Let's take a look at a few factors:
  1. TrafficWave.net enforces a clear and stringent anti-spam policy.
    We maintain a zero-tolerance stand when it comes to unsolicited email.

  2. TrafficWave.net maintains consistent and open communication with major service providers to ensure and enforce best practices in Email Marketing. WHEN (not "if") a problem is detected, our staff are able to quickly resolve and address these issues. (It happens to all of us)

  3. TrafficWave.net constantly monitors for and removes email addresses that become undeliverable. This helps our database remain clean and function efficiently.

  4. Removal/Unsubscribe requests are handled quickly and efficiently.

  5. TrafficWave.net maintains multiple test accounts across a wide variety of carriers to check for delivery issues and irregularities.

  6. TrafficWave.net constantly monitors and proactively seeks out any potential or impending delivery issues.
TrafficWave.net takes these measures seriously to ensure that your messages can be delivered across a wide variety of email service platforms.

Beyond the capabilities and internal practices of any AutoResponder service, your own deliverability will also be influenced by how well you manage your lists and the content you use in your messages.

Trying to circumvent or fool spam filters with commonly used spam tactics such as bizarre spelling of certain words will dramatically impact your own personal deliverability.

Sending irrelevant content or abusing the privilege of contact granted by your subscribers will not only affect deliverability but will quickly cause your lists to dwindle due to unsubscribe requests and complaints.

Infrastructure and Corporate policy are one side of the deliverability question.

At TrafficWave.net, we take that role very seriously to help your message get through to your audience.

Professionalism and integrity on your part will take care of the rest of the equation.

Brian Rooney
TrafficWave.net LLC

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